Rules of the DARC XMAS-Contest
The Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) has the honor to invite all radio amateurs to participate in the annual XMAS Sprint-Contest.
Please have a look into the new General Rules for DARC DXHF-Contests before you start in the contest.
1. Contest Periode
XMAS, 26. December 2024, 8.30-10.59 UT
Log submission deadline: 7 days after contest.
2. Bands / Modes
80m | 40m | |
CW | 3510-3560 khz | 7010-7040 khz |
SSB | 3610-3650 khz 3700-3775 khz | 7060-7100 khz 7130-7200 khz |
Each station may be worked one time on 3.5 MHz and one time on 7 MHz. NEW: In the MIXED class, each station can be worked on each band once in each mode.
The station calling CQ must QSY after the QSO, leaving the frequency to the station which answered his/her call.
A maximum of 20 band changes or mode changes are allowed during the contest periode.
3. Categories
- Single operator, mixed, low power
- Single operator, mixed, high power
- Single operator, CW, low power
- Single operator, CW, high power
- Single operator, SSB, low power
- Single operator, SSB, high power
- Checklog
Output power: low power = up to 100 watts, high power = more than 100 watts
4. Exchange
German stations send RS(T) and their DOK, when they are member of DARC. German stations, who are not member of DARC, send "NM" (no member) instead of the DOK. NM does not count as a multiplier.
All stations outside of Germany, send only: RS(T) + serial number, no matter if they are member of DARC or not.
5. Multiplier Points
per DOK and per prefix on each band 1 multiplier point and *NEW* in MIXED class : per DOK and per prefix on each band and in each mode 1 multiplier point.
6. QSO Points
Each completed QSO counts 1 point
7. Contest awards
Certificates will be awarded to every participant as PDF-file for self-printing.
8. Disqualification
Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification.
The decisions of the contest-committee are final.
8. Score
The sum of the QSO points multiplied by the sum of the multiplier points.
Incorrect QSOs will be deleted.
9. Log Submission
Please submit your log in CABRILLO file format via web upload. The web upload is available at
The receipt of the log will be automatically confirmed by an email with a message of possible errors in the log and the password for the access to your UBN-file. The logs will be part of the DCL (DARC Community Logbook). By submitting the log, the participant claims to fully accept the rules of the contest.
10. Deadline
All entries must be sent within seven (7) days after the contest (for 2024 contest: January 2nd 2025).
11. Addresses
for questions: xmas-info(at)dxhf2.darc.de