Worked All Germany Contest
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Worked All Germany Contest

Worked-All-Germany Contest is a typical "Single-Country-to-DX" contest with a long lasting tradition and more than 2000 log submitting participants plus several thousand more active. So WAG generates about 10 000 individual hours of competetive or relaxed activity and fun. You can collect German DOK for several DARC awards, especially the DLD which is supported by the DARC Community Logbook. Our participants reports about the enjoyment of meeting a lot of old and new friends, going to unsual locations like qrp-expeditions to hilltops or sharing experience with rookies of all ages at Multi-Operator Stations.
Thank you all for participating in WAG :-)
The news archive contains reports on the WAG from recent years.
WAG 2024 - final results
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 64th edition of the WAG Contest. We have received 2313 logs. In total, our log software counted 7236 active calls in the contest, which brought it to a total of 599206 QSOs. Among them are 2159 unique calls, i.e. callsigns that appear only once in all logs. We have sent a log checking report (UBN) to all entrants by email. Online certificates are available as soon as possible. The final results can also be found on the DARC Contesthub.
New from 2022 is the club competition. There are two separate club competition categories for DX clubs residing in Europe (except Germany) and outside Europe, respectively.
Club competition EU | Club competition DX |
1. Belarus Contest Team | 1. Potomac Valley Radio Club |
2. Kaunas University of Technology Radio Club | 2. Yankee Clipper Contest Club |
3. Russian Contest Club | 3. Frankford Radio Club |
You can find the complete results here:
Club Competition EU, Club Competition DX
We would like to thank all participants for respecting the contest-free areas. Only a few QSOs were detected in these contest-free areas. On this amateur radio weekend, the contest-free areas will serve to ensure as interference-free a coexistence as possible with the simultaneous JOTA activity of the scout groups.
Congratulations to all winners and we hope to hear you again in the WAG Contest 2024!
The 60th edition of the Worked All Germany (WAG) Contest will take place in October 2020. The first WAG took place in 1959 as WADM, and this 19 times. From 1980 on it was called WA-Y2 due to the callsign reform in the GDR. Then 1989 began a politically exciting year, the year of the turnaround in the GDR. The events overturned and finally Germany was reunited on October 3rd. Only two weeks later the Worked All Germany Contest took place. Whether WADM, WAY2 or WAG, this contest on the third weekend of October has become a worldwide event.
From 1967 to 1977 single and multi-man stations were divided into license classes, then from 1978 on single and SWLs were divided into "under" and "over" 18 years. From 1981 the QRP class was introduced, from 1985 there was a separate class for YLs. The WAG 1990 started then with the classes SOP all band, SOP all band QRP, MOP 1TX, and SWLs - from 1992 SOP all band divided into CW and Mixed - from 2002 SOP additionally divided into < and > 100 Watt. From 2019 on additional SSB classes are available.
Since the first contest in 1959, the evaluator and manager was Klaus, DL1DTL (DM2ATL, Y21TL). Of course he always got support, in the last years from Christian DL8MBS and Heiko DL1RTL. After 50 years of contest evaluation, Klaus then officially handed over to Christian (DL8MBS) in 2013. In 2017 Heiko (DL1RTL) took over the job of contest manager.
Let's all listen to each other again when it's time for the third weekend in October for the 60th: " CQ WAG " !
After 50 years of DL1DTL managing WAG the task shifted 2013 to DL8MBS, together with DL1RTL. We hope that participants will not notice any difference in how things are handled. So we invite all contesters to join the activity in WAG and hope to meet you in October. And now: