SAFA - Information in english


Many thanks to all Visitors, Exhibitors and the SAFA Team


SAFA: Saarland amateur radio exhibition Dillingen 2019


1. General

1.1. Date: Sunday ??? 2020 - 9:00 bis 14:00 clock

1.2. Up to 1000m2 Area of exhibition space

1.3. Amateur radio articles and articles

.... (AFU PC electronics).

1.4. Restoration of the hall's own bistro.

1.5. Commercial and private exhibitors are treated equally.

1.6. Low Admission 3 €


Second for Exhibitors

2.1. Render time: Saturday 13:00 - 18:00 clock and Sunday 6:00 - 9:00 clock

2.2. cond Stand on the wall or in the middle range is possible

2.3. Minimum width of 1,5m as at 10 € / m including table

2.4. Issued only AFU, PC. Electronics products and accessories.

2.5 Also, for example, issuing OCs: only for ham radio advertising for 0 € / m

2.6. A registration form can be downloaded soon.

2.7. Official allocation of places until after receipt of contribution


- For any questions, please contact Albert DH2VM available 'DH2VM ät' (E-Mail Adress)

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