
ARRL Simulated Emergency Test

Die ARRL führt im Oktober eine Notfunkübung durch und fragt an, ob Notfunker aus Europa an der Übung teilnehmen möchten.
Die Übung wird offenbar über das National Traffic System (NTS) abgewickelt. Infos hierzu unter oder über Google.

Aber Vorsicht: hier wird sehr viel Drittenverkehr abgewickelt, der in den USA offenbar auch in Nicht-Notfällen zulässig ist.
Eine deutsche Station im NTS-Netz ist DF0NTS.
Info von Greg, G0DUB, Notfunk-Koordinator IARU Region 1

Hier die Anfrage von Luck, WA4STO:

"We'd like to know if you wish to participate, and we very much 
hope that you will.
'Participation' can be nothing more than agreeing to be on the receiving
end of message traffic. Or you could choose to respond to what you
receive. Or you could proactively send out a few hundred on your own,
if that's your wish. I can provide you with all the addressees you could
ever want.
At this point, I'm interested in knowing who, among you, would like
to receive SET traffic.
1. Your callsign
2. How to get messages to you (see below)
3. How many, maximum (if there is a maximum) SET messages to send to
you during the month of October, beginning on/about Oct 1.
You could respond (to this inquiry) right here, or you could send me
a radiogram by either traditional modes, NTSD pactor, Winlink,
or plain old email. Entirely your choice.
If by traditional modes, I am:
Wilber NE
If by NTSD Pactor, I can be reached at 68465@NTSNE 
If by Winlink or email, I am
A typical text might be:
CW via NTS nets to qrz address
Max 10"
Which says it all just fine.

Last year's SET taught us that there are a fair number of EU amateurs
who enjoy handling SET traffic. Some have even set themselves up on the
pactor and winlink networks, primarily so as to receive (and send)
SET messages. This year, we are seeing even more DX stations who wish
to participate. Should be fun.

Best 73
Luck, WA4STO
In Wilber Nebraska, where the cornfields are taller than my antennas"

Messages into Europe will either be sent through Winlink or directly
from the USA to DF0NTS through PACTOR where I and others may pick them
up for relay to your winlink or personal email addresses to exercise
our ability to work using as little internet as possible.
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